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Michael Gelfond

made the following statements:

Ad Q1.
For correct programs, start with - empirical evidence - proofs are needed based on precise specifications, e.g. by
transition diagrams
electrical circuit viewed as a function from input to output
inheritance hierarchies based on independently defined semantics

The problem which comes up is here complete vs. incomplete specification.

Ad Q2.
First, one needs a good design. Second, small tricks, which preserve equivalence in some sense (strong, unif., weak). Michael shows two examples:

  1.    a :- -b.       s      a :- not b.
      -b :- not b.  <===>   -b :- not b.

  2.   :- a,b.       add
      :- -a,c.      ===>   :- b,c.

Ad Q4.
We miss function symbols.

Stefan Woltran 2005-08-22