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Gerd Brewka

started with a plead for true language extensions. As he pointed out, extensions can be of different nature:

This raises the question what ordinary LP/ASP is. In Brewka's opinion, this is difficult to answer since there is a set of core LP languages rather than a single one, in particular for ASP. As for having true language extensions, he reminds of John McCarthy's famous ``Modalities, si, modal logics, no'' statement, which he recast to the LP/ASP issue as ``Expressiveness, si, language extensions, no.'' However, Brewka does not hold this statement, and expresses his belief that we can not and should not do without extensions of LP/ASP.

As for Q2, Brewka said that Knowledge Representation has a tremendous potential, but the AI community does not take much notice of it. This is a serious problem which should be worked upon. As a particular example of the potential, he presented preference handling, illustrating it on some examples. The need for preference handling emerges in areas like abduction, revision, inconsistency handling, planning, diagnosis, decision making, configuration etc etc. As for LP/ASP, the detailed preference handling showing a rich ontology of prioritized LP/ASP languages that are needed. As an important issue he pointed out modular versus non-modular preference handling. As for Q3, Brewka said that work on constraints is important.

Gerd Brewka's vision of ASP was that it provides facilities for qualitative optimization, that it shall be used in hybrid systems, and that ASP, following the example of the Description Logic community, will be one of the most successful computational logic streams in the future.

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Stefan Woltran 2005-08-22