dlvhex  2.5.0
System Architecture

This section describes the general dlvhex system architecture. More...

This section describes the general dlvhex system architecture.

The following figure gives an overview, the numbers in the decription below refer to the numbers in this figure. The arcs model both control and data flow within the system.


The evaluation of a HEX-program works as follows. First, the input program is read from the file system or from standard input and passed to the evaluation framework (1). The evaluation framework creates then a generalized evaluation graph depending on the chosen evaluation heuristics, see EvalGraphBuilder and EvalHeuristicBase. This results in a number of interconnected generalized evaluation units (see EvalGraph). While the interplay of the units is managed by the evaluation framework, the individual units are handeled by model generators (see ModelGeneratorBase and FLPModelGeneratorBase) of different kinds.

dlvhex historically supports two interfaces for model generators. The legacy non-genuine interface is formed by the classes ASPSolver and ASPSolverManager. Model generators built on top of this interface do not see the internals of the ordinary ASP solver but communicate with them only as black boxes. This gives them little room for optimization, but can be used even for ordinary ASP solvers which come in binary format only. Currently, the interface is used for DLV, which is run in a separate process and communication works via pipes (see Process, DLVProcess, and DLVResultParser). The more modern genuine interface is mainly formed by the base classes GenuineSolver, GenuineGroundSolver and GenuineGrounder, and allows for a much tighter coupling of dlvhex with ordinary ASP solvers and lets dlvhex access the solver internals. This is usually much more efficient due to several possible optimizations.

Besides the distintion between the non-genuine and genuine interface, there are also multiple model generators for different syntactic fragments of the HEX language. All types of model generators are implemented for both interfaces. General program components use a guess-and-check algorithm (see GuessAndCheckModelGenerator and GenuineGuessAndCheckModelGenerator), while monotonic program components may use a more efficient fixpoint iteration (see WellfoundedModelGenerator and GenuineWellfoundedModelGenerator). Programs without any cyclic external atoms can use the even simpler PlainModelGenerator or GenuinePlainModelGenerator. This is realized as different model generators. Each instance of a model generator takes care of a single evaluation unit, receives input interpretations from the framework (which are either output by predecessor units or come from the input facts for leaf units), and sends output interpretations back to the framework (2), which manages the integration of these interpretations to final answer sets.

Internally, the model generators make use of a grounder and a solver for ordinary ASP programs. The architecture of our system is flexible and supports multiple concrete backends which can be plugged in. Currently it supports DLV, Gringo and clasp, and an internal grounder (see InternalGrounder) and a solver (see InternalGroundASPSolver and InternalGroundDASPSolver) which do not depend on third-party software (mainly for testing purposes); they use basically the same core algorithms as Gringo and clasp, but without any kind of optimizations. The reasoner backends Gringo (see GringoGrounder) and clasp (see ClaspSolver) are statically linked to our system, thus no interprocess communication is necessary. The model generator within the dlvhex core sends a non-ground program to the HEX-grounder, and receives a ground program (3). The HEX-grounder in turn uses an ordinary ASP grounder as submodule (4) and accesses external sources to handle value invention (5). The ground-program is then sent to the solver and answer sets of the ground program (i.e. candidate compatible sets) are returned (6). Note that the grounder and the solver are separated and communicate only through the model generator, which is in contrast to previous implementations of dlvhex where the external grounder and solver were used as a single unit (i.e., the non-ground program was sent and the answer sets were retrieved). Separating the two units became necessary because the dlvhex core needs access to the ground-program. Otherwise important structural information, such as cyclicity would be hidden.

For genuine solvers, the solver backend makes callbacks to the dlvhex core (where they are caught by a so-called post propagator) once a model has been found or after unit and unfounded set propagation has been finished. Once a complete or partial model candidate has arrived at the post propagator, the dlvhex core performs two operations: compatibility checking with learning (driven by a heuristics, see ExternalAtomEvaluationHeuristics) and unfounded set detection (also driven by a heuristics, see UnfoundedSetCheckHeuristics).

Compatibility checks determine whether the guesses of the external atom replacements by the ordinary ASP solver coincide with the actual semantics of the external source. This check also requires calls to the plugins (see PluginInterface), which implement the external sources. The input list is sent to the external source and the truth values are returned to the dlvhex core (9). Additionally, the external source can use the current complete or partial interpretation to create new learned nogoods in the sense of conflict-driven learning (see Nogood, NogoodContainer and PluginAtom::retrieve with learning functionality) in order to enforce early backtracking in case of conflicts or guide the further search; these nogoods are sent back to the post propagator and to the ordinary ASP solver (7).

Unfounded set checking is used to find unfounded sets which are not detected by the ordinary ASP solver, i.e., unfounded sets caused by external sources (see UnfoundedSetChecker and UnfoundedSetCheckerManager). For this purpose, the UFS checker employs a SAT solver (11) (see SATSolver), which can either be clasp or an internal SAT solver (see CDNLSolver). The UFS checker possibly returns nogoods learned from unfounded sets to the post propagator (8). UFS detection also needs to call the external sources for guess verification. The post propagator sends all learned nogoods (either directly from external sources or from unfounded sets) back to the ordinary ASP solver. This makes sure that eventually only valid answer sets arrive at the model generator (6).

Finally, after the evaluation framework has built the final answer sets from the output interpretations of the individual evaluation units, they are output to the user (12).