
Projects running or completed in our research unit

Research projects carried out at KBS are distinguished into projects with

  • international funding, mainly by European Union Research Framework initiatives, and
  • national funding, maninly through FWF
    the Austrian Science Fund (akin to NSF in the US and DFG in Germany).
  • They also involve international collaborations, however.

The following list contains some of the projects which are / have been carried out with our group. For further details of the respective projects, follow the links.

Projects with International Funding

(MCSA COFUND grant #101034440, H2020-EU.1.3.4, H2020-EU.1.3)

Humane AI Net - European Network of Artificial Intelligence Excellence Centres
(ICT-48-2020-RIA / 952026)

A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem
(H2020-ICT-2018-2020 / 825619 AI4EU)

Humane AI: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us
(2020-FETFLAG-2018-2020 / 820437)

The Parameterized Complexity of Reasoning Problems

ONTOlogies meet Business RULEs
(FP7 231875 ONTORULE)

Net2 - A Network for Enabling Networked Knowledge
(FP7 247601 NET2)

EU Network of Excellence for REasoning on the WEb with Rules and SEmantics
(IST-506779 REWERSE)

Erasmus Mundus European Masters Program in Computational Logic

Advanced Information Integration
(IST-2001-33570 INFOMIX)

EU Working Group in Answer Set Programming
(IST 2001-37004 WASP)

EU Network of Excellence on Computational Logic
(IST-2001-33570 COLOGNET)

Software Agents in the IMPACT System

Algorithms for Logical Knowledge Bases

Projects with National Funding

BILAI: Bilateral Artificial Intelligence
(FWF CoE “Künstliche Intelligenz”, 10.55776/COE12)

TAIGER: Training and Guiding AI Agents with Ethical Rules
(WWTF ICT22-023)

Explainable Answer-Set Programming
(ÖAW DOC: Tobias Geibinger)

DynaCon: Dynamic knowledge-based (re)configuration of CPS
(FFG 861263)

LocTraffLog: Lightweight Methods of KR/R for sensor-based Local TMS Service
(FFG 5886550)

BOOLEAN: Quantified Boolean Formulas
(FWF S11409)

Integrated Evaluation of Answer Set Programs and Extensions
(FWF P27730)

Doctoral Program Logical Methods in Computer Science
(FWF W1255)

Distributed Heterogenous Stream Reasoning (FWF P26471)

Evaluation of ASP Programs with External Source Access
(FWF P24090)

Recursive Queries over Semantically Enriched Data Repositories

MyITS: Personalized Intelligent Mobility Service
(FFG P828897)

FAME: Formalizing and Managing Evolution in Model-Driven Engineering
(WWTF ICT10-018)

Methods and Methodologies for Developing Answer-Set Programs
(FWF P21698)

Inconsistency Management for Knowledge-Integration Systems
(WWTF ICT08-020)

Modular HEX-Programs
(FWF P20841)

Reasoning in Hybrid Knowledge Bases
(FWF P20840)

Distributed Open Answer Set Programming
(FWF P20305)

An Intelligent Image-Based Measurement System for Rock Fall Monitoring
(FWF L514)

Formal Methods for Comparing and Optimizing Nonmonotonic Logic Programs
(FWF P18019)

Game-Theoretic Agent Programming
(FWF P18146)

Answer Set Programming for the Semantic Web
(FWF P17212)

Answer Set Programming for Reactive Planning and Execution Monitoring
(FWF P16536)

Multi-Sensor Deformation Measurement System Supported by Knowledge Based and Cognitive Vision Techniques
(FWF P18286)

A Theodolite-based and Knowledge-based Multi-Sensor-System
(FWF P14664)

QUIP - A Computational Framework for Advanced Reasoning Tasks
(FWF P15068)

A Declarative Planning System Based on Logic Programming
(FWF P14781)

The DLV project
(Supported by FWF)

Knowledge-Based Agents for Advanced Information Access
(FWF P13871)